The purpose of Stanford’s ALARA policy (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) is to keep occupational radiation exposure as low as possible within reason. The Stanford Dosimetry Coordinator or a health physicist reviews all dosimetry dose report results. Reviews and investigations are conducted for doses that exceed the Level 1 and Level II criteria (see below table). An assessment is made whether the measured dose correctly represents the individual’s occupational dose. If the measured dose is correct, the health physicist determines whether the individual’s dose was reasonable. For the situation where an individual consistently exceeds ALARA limits the health physicist may recommend work changes. If the measured dose is not correct (e.g., badge fell to floor in procedure room), the health physicist documents why the measured dose is not correct and provides an estimated dose to change the individual’s permanent dose record. The ALARA Level I Report or Level II Investigation is reviewed quarterly by the Clinical Radiation Safety Committee.

ALARA Limits

Administrative ALARA Limits
Dosimetry Type Regulatory Limit Level I (monthly) Report Level II (accumulated) Investigation
Whole body 5,000 mrem/year 100 mrem 1,000 mrem
Lens of the eye 15,000 mrem/year 300 mrem 3,000 mrem
Skin/extremity 50,000 mrem/year 1,000 mrem 10,000 mrem