Order all radionuclide shipments for delivery to the following address:
Health Physics Inspection Station (CRA #) Stanford Medical Center Receiving
820 Quarry Road, Rm. H0321
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Stanford purchases must be made online through Oracle as a Standard Radioactive order. Do not use University Rapid Purchase Orders or University Purchasing Card (PCard) for radioactive materials. Order only through Procurement Services or VAPAHCS Supply Service. The CRA number on the requisition must be included when ordering.
If the vendor requests a copy of the radioactive materials license, forward the request to Health Physics.
Receipt and inspection
When the package arrives, Health Physics checks the exterior for contamination and dose rate, logs the receipt, and checks to ensure you are authorized to receive the radionuclide and amount. Health Physics will then have your package delivered to your lab. You may arrange to pick up a package if it is urgently needed.
Inspect and store promptly
Promptly inspect the package for leakage and correctness of contents. Be sure that you remove each item on the packing list, and carefully sift through dry ice and packing peanuts. Safety instructions may be provided with the package. To ensure it will not be misplaced, store all items promptly after inspection.
Remove package labels
After you remove the radioactive material from the package, remove or deface any “radioactive materials” labels before discarding the empty, uncontaminated package to house waste.
Direct delivery
If you receive material directly and it has not been inspected, inform Health Physics promptly, and if requested, bring the package to the Inspection Station. Special arrangements for direct delivery of radioactive materials from the supplier to the user must be approved by the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) case‐by‐case.