Stanford University Fire Marshal’s Office (SUFMO) is proud to announce the completion of the 2021 Wildfire Management Plan (2021 Plan) which replaces the previous 2019 Plan. The 2021 Plan was a collaborative effort between many campus stakeholders: LBRE/Land Use & Environmental Planning (LUEP), Office of Government Affairs (OGA), LBRE/Real Estate, LBRE/ Resilience & Response, LBRE/Grounds, LBRE/Department of Project Management, and Risk Management
The 2021 Plan defines a comprehensive program of strategic wildland fuels and fire management that is based on sound science and risk modeling and will reduce fire hazards on Stanford’s lands. The 2021 Plan:
- Identifies high fire-hazard areas (based on state-of-the-art fire modeling techniques);
- Identifies important resources and assets on Stanford’s lands for protection;
- Defines and prioritizes vegetation management treatments to protect the most at-risk resources;>
- Coordinates fuels management activities with Stanford functions;
- Defines coordination with adjacent jurisdictions and communities on fuel management activities in neighboring areas; and
- Includes ways to identify and incorporate new technologies and methods of fuel management over time to maximize program efficiency.
Related: Wildfire Resilience