Stanford University

Stanford University Wildfire Management Plan

Stanford University Fire Marshal’s Office (SUFMO) is proud to announce the completion of the 2021 Wildfire Management Plan (2021 Plan) which replaces the previous 2019 Plan.  The 2021 Plan was a collaborative effort between many campus stakeholders: LBRE/Land Use & Environmental Planning (LUEP), Office of Government Affairs (OGA), LBRE/Real Estate,  LBRE/ Resilience & Response, LBRE/Grounds, LBRE/Department of Project Management, and Risk Management

The 2021 Plan defines a comprehensive program of strategic wildland fuels and fire management that is based on sound science and risk modeling and will reduce fire hazards on Stanford’s lands. The 2021 Plan:

  • Identifies high fire-hazard areas (based on state-of-the-art fire modeling techniques);
  • Identifies important resources and assets on Stanford’s lands for protection;
  • Defines and prioritizes vegetation management treatments to protect the most at-risk resources;>
  • Coordinates fuels management activities with Stanford functions;
  • Defines coordination with adjacent jurisdictions and communities on fuel management activities in neighboring areas; and
  • Includes ways to identify and incorporate new technologies and methods of fuel management over time to maximize program efficiency.

Related: Wildfire Resilience

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