California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) requires that used electronics be handled in an environmentally responsible manner. This means that old cellular phones, pagers, PDAs, telephones and the like cannot be placed in the normal trash. EH&S makes it easy to safely discard these devices.
There are a number of drop off locations in student housing where electronic waste can be discarded; see the map below for all the locations. If you need other locations on campus, please see the map of Electronic Waste Locations on Campus.
EH&S will collect these small electronic items and ensure that they are not sent to landfill for disposal. In fact, all devices and other items will be refurbished or recycled. Examples of small items that can be placed in the drop off buckets include:
- Calculators
- CDs
- Cellular Phones
- PDAs
- Telephones
- Wireless Devices
- Mice/Keyboards (small quantities)
Only small, non-capital equipment may be placed into these collection containers. For large volumes of these wastes and disposal of larger components (i.e. computers, monitors, printers, etc.), you are required to coordinate disposal through your Department Property Administrator.
For issues related to Student Housing Electronic Device Recycling Locations, please contact Michelle Decker.