How to use this tool
The information contained within this table is for use by Stanford University personnel only. This information is not provided as advice, opinion, or statement of fact and is not provided for use in any way outside of Stanford University. Any use of the information within this table, except by Stanford University personnel, is at the risk of the user only.
If you use or handle a liquid or solid material as a gas, consult with the University Occupational Health & Safety Program at EH&S (723-0448) to determine if the material is regulated under TGO.
Santa Clara County Toxic Gas Ordinance regulates materials (i.e. gases, liquids and solids) if the material falls under the definition of Class I, Class II or Class III material and meets either of the following criteria:
- It is shipped in compressed gas cylinders, and the material is or becomes or acts as a gas upon release at normal temperature and pressure (70F and 760 mm Hg) or;
- The material is used or handled as a gas whether or not the material meets the definition of a compressed gas in Article 2 of the TGO or 49 CFR Section 173.300(a).
Table-Related Column Information
SU# — Stanford University Number is an unique chemical identifier used in the Stanford Chemical Safety Database.
State — The physical state of the chemical designated by “G” for gas, “L” for liquid, and “S” for solid.
Name — A chemical name commonly used to identify the chemical. Note that most chemicals have several name synonyms; it is best to identify the chemical uniquely using the SU# and/or CAS Number.
CAS Number — Chemical Abstract Service Number is a proprietary unique identifier used to absolutely identify a chemical.
VP — Vapor Pressure (in mm of Hg) of the chemical.
MW — Molecular Weight of the chemical.
TOX Type — Toxicological information related to determining the lethal concentration (LC in PPM) or immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH in PPM) level of a chemical. TYPE refers to the data source such as LC50 data based on a rat test group.
Exposure — Refers to the concentration (in PPM) to which the test group was exposed or the concentration at which an exposure becomes immediately dangerous to life and health. Exposure data are converted to LC50 Rat.
TGO Class — The Toxic Gas Ordinance Class (Class I, Class II, Class III, or NR) designation for the pure chemical, i.e., 100% concentration.
Class 2 — The percent concentration below which a TGO Class I becomes a TGO Class II.
Class 3– The percent concentration below which a TGO Class II becomes a TGO Class III.
NR — The percent concentration below which a TGO Class III becomes a TGO NOT REGULATED. Note that a pure Class I chemical diluted to below a concentration such that it is “not regulated” chemical still must meet the TGO provisions related to “flow limiting devices” and “fire extinguishing systems.”
Storage Group — There are 11 different groups (A B C D E F G J K L and X) that Stanford has identified for safe storage of chemicals. These are the same storage groups provided in the Stanford Chemical Safety Database.
GDN#: 1955
State: G
CAS Number: 421-50-1
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 2968
State: G
CAS Number: 75-37-6
VP: 760
MW: 66.05
Tox Type: LC50 MOUSE
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 1686848
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 2969
State: G
CAS Number: 75-38-7
VP: 760
MW: 64.04
Tox Type: LCLO, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 2560000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 3025
State: G
CAS Number: 76-14-2
VP: 760
MW: 170.9
Tox Type: IDLH
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 150000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source:
GDN#: 175
CAS Number:
MW: 64.04
Tox Type: LCLO, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 2560000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 674
State: G
CAS Number: 106-99-0
VP: 760
MW: 54.09
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 220000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 12977
State: G
CAS Number: 685-63-2
VP: 760
MW: 162
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 1334
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 44.46
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 26.67
Storage Group: G
Data Source: MSDS from Matheson Tri-Gas
GDN#: 673
State: G
CAS Number: 106-98-9
VP: 760
MW: 56.11
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 13714
State: G
CAS Number: 354-25-6
MW: 136.5
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 219095.8
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 13715
State: G
CAS Number: 75-68-3
MW: 100.5
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 499955.2
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 6080
State: G
CAS Number: 463-82-1
VP: 760
MW: 72.15
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 17339020
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 13076
State: G
CAS Number: 1-7-0107
VP: 760
MW: 56.11
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 690 mg/l/h
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: RTECS- EM2932000
GDN#: 13772
State: G
CAS Number: 2837-89-0
MW: 136.5
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 285000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: J
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH
GDN#: 13771
State: G
CAS Number: 75-88-7
MW: 118.5
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 285000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: J
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH
GDN#: 13772
State: G
CAS Number: 2837-89-3
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 285000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: J
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH
GDN#: 4645
State: G
CAS Number: 75-28-5
VP: 760
MW: 58.12
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 285000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 907
State: G
CAS Number: 11-7-0115
VP: 760
MW: 56.11
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 541657.4
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 13800
State: G
CAS Number: 563-45-1
MW: 70.14
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 2945
State: G
CAS Number: 75-07-0
VP: 740
MW: 44.05
Tox Type: IDLH
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 20000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: X
Data Source:
GDN#: 2316
State: G
CAS Number: 557-99-3
VP: 760
MW: 62
Tox Type: LC50, MOUSE
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 2.50 mg/l/h
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 8.32
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 4.99
Storage Group: D
Data Source: AP2800000, no LC50 rat data.
GDN#: 2923
State: G
CAS Number: 74-86-2
VP: 760
MW: 26.04
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 11798
State: G
CAS Number: N/A
VP: 760
MW: 28.06
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 2017
State: G
CAS Number: 463-49-0
VP: 760
MW: 40.07
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 3060
State: G
CAS Number: 7664-41-7
VP: 760
MW: 17.03
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 4000
TGO Class (Pure): III
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 79.99
Storage Group: A
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 1284
State: G
CAS Number: 13767-16-3
VP: 760
MW: 18.02
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): III
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 79.99
Storage Group: A
Data Source:
GDN#: 11799
State: G
CAS Number: 13550-49-7
VP: 760
MW: 20.06
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 4000
TGO Class (Pure): III
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 79.99
Storage Group: A
Data Source: Ammonia data used
GDN#: 4225
State: G
CAS Number: 7803-52-3
VP: 760
MW: 124.8
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 20
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 10
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.67
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.4
Storage Group: B
Data Source:
GDN#: 5572
State: G
CAS Number: 7440-37-1
VP: 760
MW: 39.95
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 12582
State: G
CAS Number: 7440-37-1
VP: 760
MW: 39.95
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 12123
State: G
CAS Number: 7784-36-3
VP: 760
MW: 169.9
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 20
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 9.99
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.66
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.39
Storage Group: E
Data Source:
GDN#: 6074
State: G
CAS Number: 7784-42-1
VP: 760
MW: 77.95
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 20
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 9.99
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.66
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.39
Storage Group: X
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 36
State: L
CAS Number: 18586-39-5
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source: No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 12976
State: G
CAS Number: 927-84-4
VP: 760
MW: 170
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 10
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 5
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.33
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.2
Storage Group: E
Data Source:
State: G
CAS Number: 10294-33-4
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 380
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group:
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 5192
State: G
CAS Number: 10294-34-5
VP: 760
MW: 117.2
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 2541
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 84.7
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 50.82
Storage Group: E
Data Source:
GDN#: 6208
State: G
CAS Number: 7-2-7637
VP: 760
MW: 67.81
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 806
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 26.87
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 16.12
Storage Group: E
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 3102
State: L
CAS Number: 7726-95-6
VP: 760
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 113
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 56.49
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 3.76
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 2.25
Storage Group: E
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 13884
State: G
CAS Number: 13863-41-7
MW: 115.4
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 290
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 9.67
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 5.8
Storage Group: E
Data Source:
GDN#: 10207
State: G
CAS Number: 353-59-3
VP: 760
MW: 165.4
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 100000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source:
GDN#: 13885
State: L
CAS Number: 7789-30-2
VP: 328
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 194
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 97
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 6.47
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 3.88
Storage Group: B
Data Source:
GDN#: 2921
State: G
CAS Number: 74-83-9
VP: 760
MW: 94.94
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 811.14
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 27.03
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 16.22
Storage Group: L
Data Source: RTECS -PA4900000
GDN#: 13887
State: G
CAS Number: 598-73-2
MW: 160.9
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: B
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 2990
State: G
CAS Number: 75-63-8
VP: 760
MW: 148.9
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 42000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source:
GDN#: 672
State: G
CAS Number: 106-97-8
VP: 760
MW: 58.12
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 5555
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 6651
State: G
CAS Number: 124-38-9
VP: 760
MW: 44.01
Tox Type: IDLH
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 400000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source:
GDN#: 4530
State: G
CAS Number: 124-38-9
VP: 760
MW: 44.01
Tox Type: IDLH
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 400000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source:
GDN#: 2667
State: G
CAS Number: 630-08-0
VP: 760
MW: 28.01
Tox Type: LC50 RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 3760
TGO Class (Pure): III
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 75.2
Storage Group: L
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 9623
State: G
CAS Number: 630-08-0
VP: 760
MW: 28.01
Tox Type: LC50 RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 3614
TGO Class (Pure): III
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 72.27
Storage Group: L
Data Source: RTECS – FG3500000
GDN#: 11821
State: G
CAS Number: 4906-87-0
VP: 760
MW: 30.03
Tox Type: LC50 RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 3614
TGO Class (Pure): III
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 72.27
Storage Group: L
Data Source: RTECS – FG3500000
GDN#: 2997
State: G
CAS Number: 75-73-0
VP: 760
MW: 88.01
Tox Type: LCLO, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 4475000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source:
GDN#: 11010
State: G
CAS Number: 1641-69-6
VP: 760
MW: 29.02
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 3760
TGO Class (Pure): III
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 75.2
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 103
State: G
CAS Number: 353-49-1
VP: 760
MW: 82.46
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 53.33
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 32
Storage Group: L
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 1870
State: G
CAS Number: 353-50-4
VP: 760
MW: 66.01
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 360
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 12
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 7.2
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 12894
State: G
CAS Number: 463-58-1
VP: 760
MW: 60.07
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 2140
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 71.33
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 42.79
Storage Group: L
Data Source: RTECS -FG6400000
GDN#: 509
State: G
CAS Number: 4-4-10049
VP: 760
MW: 67.45
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 250
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 8.33
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 5
Storage Group: E
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 13919
State: G
CAS Number: 7791-21-1
MW: 67.45
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 50
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 3.33
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 2
Storage Group: J
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 9478
State: G
CAS Number: 7790-91-2
VP: 760
MW: 92.45
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 299
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 9.97
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 5.98
Storage Group: E
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 9624
State: G
CAS Number: 7782-50-5
VP: 760
MW: 70.91
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 293
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 9.77
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 5.86
Storage Group: E
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 3158
State: G
CAS Number: 7782-50-5
VP: 760
MW: 70.91
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 293
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 9.77
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 5.86
Storage Group: E
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 13922
State: G
CAS Number: 593-70-4
MW: 68.48
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: J
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 2924
State: G
CAS Number: 74-87-3
VP: 760
MW: 50.49
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 8300
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 13926
State: G
CAS Number: 10-3-63938
MW: 136.5
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: J
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 3312
State: G
CAS Number: 79-38-9
VP: 760
MW: 116.5
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 2000
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 66.67
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 40
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 12584
State: G
CAS Number: 75-72-9
VP: 760
MW: 104.5
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 5367
State: G
CAS Number: 590-18-1
VP: 760
MW: 56.11
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 6133
State: G
CAS Number: 460-19-5
VP: 760
MW: 52.04
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 350
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 11.67
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 7
Storage Group: C
Data Source:
GDN#: 2109
State: G
CAS Number: 506-77-4
VP: 760
MW: 61.48
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 1.2 mg/l/h
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 59.99
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 3.99
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 2.39
Storage Group: C
Data Source: RTECS- GT2275000
GDN#: 2954
State: G
CAS Number: 75-19-4
VP: 760
MW: 42.08
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 220000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 12045
State: G
CAS Number: 13536-59-9
VP: 760
MW: 81.93
Tox Type: IDLH
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 300
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 10
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 6
Storage Group: E
Data Source:
GDN#: 3079
State: G
CAS Number: 5-7-7698
VP: 760
MW: 37.47
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 3120
TGO Class (Pure): III
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 62.4
Storage Group: E
Data Source:
GDN#: 11800
State: G
CAS Number: 13536-94-2
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure):
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group:
Data Source:
GDN#: 32
State: G
CAS Number: 7782-39-0
VP: 760
MW: 4.032
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 1842
State: G
CAS Number: 334-88-3
VP: 760
MW: 42.04
Tox Type: IDLH
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 20
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 10
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.67
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.4
Storage Group: J
Data Source:
GDN#: 4219
State: G
CAS Number: 19287-45-7
VP: 760
MW: 27.67
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 80
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 40
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 2.67
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 1.6
Storage Group: B
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 2988
State: G
CAS Number: 75-61-6
VP: 620
MW: 209.8
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 27000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 2996
State: G
CAS Number: 7572-29-4
VP: 760
MW: 94.92
Tox Type: LC50, MOUSE
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 45.6
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 22.79
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 1.51
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.91
Storage Group: K
Data Source: RTECS – AP1080000
GDN#: 2995
State: G
CAS Number: 75-71-8
VP: 760
MW: 120.9
Tox Type: LC50, MOUSE
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 3867435
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: J
Data Source:
GDN#: 6125
State: G
CAS Number: 75-43-4
VP: 760
MW: 102.9
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 99800
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source:
GDN#: 442
State: G
CAS Number: 4109-96-0
VP: 760
MW: 101
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 314
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 10.47
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 6.28
Storage Group: B
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 1060
State: G
CAS Number: 124-40-3
VP: 760
MW: 45.09
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 11120.7
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: A
Data Source:
GDN#: 12983
State: G
CAS Number: 111-74-6
VP: 760
MW: 60.16
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 4427
State: L
CAS Number: 503-38-8
VP: 760
MW: 197.8
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 121.13
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 60.56
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 4.03
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 2.42
Storage Group: J
Data Source: MSDS from ChemWatch.
GDN#: 4644
State: G
CAS Number: 74-84-0
VP: 760
MW: 30.07
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 4643
State: G
CAS Number: 74-84-0
VP: 760
MW: 30.07
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 5912
State: G
CAS Number: 13838-16-9
VP: 760
MW: 184.5
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 24248.7
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: J
Data Source:
GDN#: 13218
State: G
CAS Number: 107-00-6
VP: 760
MW: 54.09
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 2938
State: G
CAS Number: 75-00-3
VP: 760
MW: 64.52
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 81659.7
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 12979
State: G
CAS Number: 353-36-6
VP: 760
MW: 48.07
Tox Type: LCLO, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 5200000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 13431
State: G
CAS Number: 109-95-5
VP: 760
MW: 75.07
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 320
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 10.67
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 6.4
Storage Group: K
Data Source:
GDN#: 11801
State: G
CAS Number:
VP: 760
MW: 50.13
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 5540
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: A
Data Source:
GDN#: 5981
State: G
CAS Number: 74-85-1
VP: 760
MW: 28.05
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 2956
State: G
CAS Number: 75-21-8
VP: 760
MW: 44.05
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 4350
TGO Class (Pure): III
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 87
Storage Group: L
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 12980
State: G
CAS Number: 2814-79-1
VP: 760
MW: 60.17
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: MSDS from Sigma Aldrich.
GDN#: 4577
State: G
CAS Number: 7782-41-4
VP: 760
MW: 38
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 185
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 92.5
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 6.17
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 3.7
Storage Group: E
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 13075
State: G
CAS Number: 593-53-3
VP: 760
MW: 34.04
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 9627
State: G
CAS Number: 50-00-0
VP: 760
MW: 30.03
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 0.66
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 0.32
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.02
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.01
Storage Group: L
Data Source: RTECS LP8925000
GDN#: 3026
State: G
CAS Number: 76-15-3
VP: 760
MW: 154.5
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 1548635
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source:
GDN#: 4220
State: G
CAS Number: 7782-65-2
VP: 760
MW: 76.6
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 622
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 20.73
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 12.44
Storage Group: B
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 6653
State: G
CAS Number: 7440-59-7
VP: 760
MW: 4
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 6169
State: G
CAS Number: 7440-59-7
VP: 760
MW: 4.003
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 3433
State: L
CAS Number: 87-68-3
VP: 760
MW: 260.7
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 118.15
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 59.07
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 3.93
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 2.36
Storage Group: D
Data Source: RTECS EJ0700000
GDN#: 12978
State: G
CAS Number: 692-50-2
VP: 760
MW: 162
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 5461
State: G
CAS Number: 684-16-2
VP: 760
MW: 166
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 422.67
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 14.08
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 8.45
Storage Group: J
Data Source: RTECS UC2450000
GDN#: 5463
State: G
CAS Number: 697-11-0
VP: 760
MW: 162
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 7178
State: G
CAS Number: 76-16-4
VP: 760
MW: 138
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 282842.7
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source:
GDN#: 5464
State: G
CAS Number: 116-15-4
VP: 760
MW: 150
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 19.8 mg/l/h
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 65.99
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 39.59
Storage Group: J
Data Source: RTECS UD0350000
GDN#: 4532
State: G
CAS Number: 10-6-10035
VP: 760
MW: 80.92
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 2860
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 95.33
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 57.2
Storage Group: F
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 4535
State: G
CAS Number: 7647-01-0
VP: 760
MW: 36.46
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 2810
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 93.67
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 56.2
Storage Group: F
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 6166
State: G
CAS Number: 74-90-8
VP: 741
MW: 27.03
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 40
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 20
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 1.33
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.8
Storage Group: C
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 4525
State: G
CAS Number: 7664-39-3
VP: 760
MW: 20.01
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 1300
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 43.33
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 26
Storage Group: F
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 1209
State: G
CAS Number: 1333-74-0
VP: 760
MW: 2.016
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 7833
State: G
CAS Number: 10034-85-2
VP: 760
MW: 127.9
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 2860
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 95.33
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 57.2
Storage Group: F
Data Source:
GDN#: 4221
State: G
CAS Number: 7-5-7783
VP: 760
MW: 80.98
Tox Type: LCLO, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 2
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 0.99
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.06
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.03
Storage Group: B
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 3168
State: G
CAS Number: 6-4-7783
VP: 760
MW: 34.08
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 712
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 23.73
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 14.24
Storage Group: B
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 12046
State: G
CAS Number: 1333-74-0
VP: 760
MW: 2.016
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 11797
State: G
CAS Number: N/A
VP: 760
MW: 3.024
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 2018
State: G
CAS Number: 463-51-4
VP: 760
MW: 42.04
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 16.1
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 8.04
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.53
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.32
Storage Group: B
Data Source: RTECS OA7700000, 5 ppm (IDLH)
GDN#: 5031
State: G
CAS Number: 7439-90-9
VP: 760
MW: 83.8
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 6399
State: G
CAS Number: 74-82-8
VP: 760
MW: 16.04
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 6143
State: G
CAS Number: 74-93-1
VP: 760
MW: 48.11
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 1350
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 45
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 27
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
State: G
CAS Number: 74-83-9
VP: 760
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 1007
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group:
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 24968
State: G
CAS Number: 993-00-0
MW: 80.6
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 600
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 20
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 12
Storage Group: J
Data Source:
GDN#: 906
State: G
CAS Number: 10-6-0115
VP: 760
MW: 46.1
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 163754.5
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 2620
State: L
CAS Number: 624-83-9
Tox Type: LC50-RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 22
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 10.99
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.73
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.43
Storage Group: B
Data Source: UNIDOCS- UN-015
CAS Number: 74-93-1
VP: 760
Tox Type: LC50-RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 1350
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group:
Data Source: UNIDOCS- UN-015
GDN#: 11806
State: G
CAS Number: 107-25-5
VP: 760
MW: 58.08
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 5519
State: G
CAS Number: 74-89-5
VP: 760
MW: 31.06
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 7010
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: A
Data Source:
GDN#: 12981
State: G
CAS Number: 992-94-9
VP: 760
MW: 46.15
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 5927
State: G
CAS Number: 75-04-7
VP: 760
MW: 45.09
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 16000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: A
Data Source:
GDN#: 5319
State: L
CAS Number: 505-60-2
VP: 760
MW: 159.1
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 1.72
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 0.85
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.05
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.03
Storage Group: J
Data Source: RTECS – WQ0900000
GDN#: 10406
State: G
CAS Number: N/A
VP: 760
MW: 50
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 5571
State: G
CAS Number: 1-9-7440
VP: 760
MW: 20.18
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 1240
State: L
CAS Number: 13463-39-3
VP: 760
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 18
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 8.99
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.59
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.35
Storage Group: B
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 4528
State: G
CAS Number: 7727-37-9
VP: 760
MW: 28.01
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 6649
State: G
CAS Number: 10102-44-0
VP: 760
MW: 46
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 115
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 57.5
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 3.83
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 2.3
Storage Group: E
Data Source: UNIDOCS- UN-015
GDN#: 6650
State: G
CAS Number: 10102-44-0
VP: 760
MW: 46
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 0.22 mg/l/h
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 10.99
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.73
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.43
Storage Group: E
Data Source: RTECS – QW9800000
GDN#: 6650
State: G
CAS Number: 10102-44-0
VP: 760
MW: 46
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 116.93
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 58.46
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 3.89
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 2.33
Storage Group:
Data Source: RTECS – QW9800000
GDN#: 6302
State: G
CAS Number: 10102-43-9
VP: 760
MW: 30.01
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 115
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 57.5
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 3.83
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 2.3
Storage Group: E
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 9769
State: G
CAS Number: 10544-72-6
VP: 760
MW: 92.02
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 115
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 57.5
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 3.83
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 2.3
Storage Group: E
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 9768
State: G
CAS Number: 10544-72-6
VP: 760
MW: 92.02
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 27.9
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 13.94
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.92
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.55
Storage Group: E
Data Source: RTECS – QX1575000
GDN#: 6300
State: G
CAS Number: 7783-54-2
VP: 760
MW: 71.01
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 6700
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: E
Data Source:
GDN#: 9694
State: G
CAS Number: 10544-73-7
VP: 760
MW: 76.02
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 106
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 52.99
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 3.53
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 2.11
Storage Group: E
Data Source: Unverified ChemTracker 4 data.
GDN#: 13590
State: G
CAS Number: 2696-92-6
VP: 760
MW: 65.46
Tox Type: LClo cat
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 35
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 17.49
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 1.16
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.69
Storage Group: E
Data Source: CGA data.
GDN#: 13592
State: G
CAS Number: 109-95-5
MW: 75.07
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 320
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 10.67
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 6.4
Storage Group: K
Data Source:
GDN#: 6298
State: G
CAS Number: 10024-97-2
VP: 760
MW: 44.01
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: E
Data Source: Exempt by TGO Guidelines. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 9707
State: G
CAS Number: 10024-97-2
VP: 760
MW: 44.01
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: E
Data Source: Exempt by TGO Guidelines. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 13074
State: G
CAS Number: 115-25-3
VP: 760
MW: 200
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 36291550
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source:
GDN#: 4430
State: L
CAS Number: 15219-34-83
VP: 760
MW: 215.8
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 53.33
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 32
Storage Group: D
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 9477
State: G
CAS Number: 7783-41-7
VP: 760
MW: 54
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 2.6
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 1.29
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.08
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.05
Storage Group: E
Data Source: RTECS RS2100000
GDN#: 5573
State: G
CAS Number: 7782-44-7
VP: 760
MW: 32
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 16463290
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: E
Data Source:
GDN#: 10047
State: G
CAS Number: 7782-44-7
VP: 760
MW: 32
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 16463290
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: E
Data Source:
GDN#: 477
State: G
CAS Number: 10028-15-6
VP: 760
MW: 48
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 9.6
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 4.79
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.31
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.19
Storage Group: E
Data Source: RTECS – RS8225000
GDN#: 7179
State: G
CAS Number: 10028-15-6
MW: 60
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 9475
State: G
CAS Number: 7616-94-6
VP: 760
MW: 102.5
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 770
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 25.67
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 15.4
Storage Group: E
Data Source:
GDN#: 13629
State: G
CAS Number: 382-21-8
MW: 200
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 1.2
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 0.61
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.04
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.02
Storage Group: J
Data Source:
GDN#: 6286
State: G
CAS Number: 76-19-7
VP: 760
MW: 188
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 2972
State: G
CAS Number: 75-44-5
VP: 760
MW: 98.92
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 5
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 2.5
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.17
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.1
Storage Group: J
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 3260
State: G
CAS Number: 7803-51-2
VP: 760
MW: 34
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 20
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 10
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.67
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.4
Storage Group: B
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 465
State: L
CAS Number: 10025-87-3
VP: 760
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 96
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 47.99
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 3.19
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 1.91
Storage Group: B
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 106
State: G
CAS Number: 7647-19-0
VP: 760
MW: 126
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 260
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 8.67
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 5.2
Storage Group: E
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 3093
State: L
CAS Number: 12-2-7719
VP: 760
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 208
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 6.93
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 4.15
Storage Group: B
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
State: G
CAS Number: 7783-55-3
MW: 87.97
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: X
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 6401
State: G
CAS Number: 74-98-6
VP: 760
MW: 44.1
Tox Type: IDLH
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 21000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 9684
State: G
CAS Number: 74-98-6
VP: 760
MW: 44.1
Tox Type: IDLH
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 20000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 4647
State: G
CAS Number: 7-1-0115
VP: 760
MW: 42.08
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 2937
State: G
CAS Number: 74-99-7
VP: 760
MW: 40.07
Tox Type: IDLH
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 17000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 13966
State: G
CAS Number: 10043-92-2
MW: 220
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: J
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 2973
State: G
CAS Number: 75-45-6
VP: 760
MW: 86.47
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 175000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: J
Data Source:
GDN#: 13070
State: G
CAS Number: 7783-79-1
VP: 760
MW: 193
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 50
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 25
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 1.67
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 1
Storage Group: F
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 3263
State: G
CAS Number: 7803-62-5
VP: 760
MW: 32.12
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 19000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: B
Data Source: Exempt by TGO Guidelines
GDN#: 468
State: L
CAS Number: 4-7-10026
VP: 760
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 750
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 24.99
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 14.99
Storage Group: B
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 6318
State: G
CAS Number: 7783-61-1
VP: 760
MW: 104.1
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 450
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: E
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
State: G
CAS Number: 7803-52-3
VP: 760
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 20
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group:
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 2911
State: G
CAS Number: 9-5-7446
VP: 760
MW: 64.06
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 2520
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 84
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 50.4
Storage Group: J
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 1683
State: G
CAS Number: 2551-62-4
VP: 760
MW: 146.1
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source: Exempt by TGO Guidelines. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 13071
State: G
CAS Number: 5714-22-7
VP: 561
MW: 254.1
Tox Type: IDLH
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 10
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 5
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.33
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.2
Storage Group: G
Data Source:
GDN#: 3179
State: G
CAS Number: 7783-60-0
VP: 760
MW: 108.1
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 40
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 20
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 1.33
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.8
Storage Group: E
Data Source:
GDN#: 1710
State: G
CAS Number: 2699-79-8
VP: 760
MW: 102.1
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 3020
TGO Class (Pure): III
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 66.06
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 60.4
Storage Group: E
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 11093
State: G
CAS Number: 7783-80-4
VP: 760
MW: 241.6
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 25
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 12.5
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 0.83
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 0.5
Storage Group: J
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 918
State: G
CAS Number: 116-14-3
VP: 760
MW: 100
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 80000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 2978
State: L
CAS Number: 7550-45-0
VP: 760
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 119
TGO Class (Pure): I
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage): 59.49
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 3.96
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 2.37
Storage Group: B
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-15
GDN#: 2618
State: G
CAS Number: 624-64-6
VP: 760
MW: 56.11
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 2993
State: G
CAS Number: 75-69-4
VP: 760
MW: 137.4
Tox Type: IDLH
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 20000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source:
GDN#: 1872
State: G
CAS Number: 354-32-5
VP: 760
MW: 132.5
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 1000
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 33.33
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 20
Storage Group: D
Data Source:
GDN#: 4686
State: G
CAS Number: 75-46-7
VP: 760
MW: 70.01
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 1632
State: G
CAS Number: 2314-97-8
VP: 760
MW: 195.9
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: J
Data Source: TGO Class Assigned by CIH. No LC or IDLH data
GDN#: 12975
State: G
CAS Number: 373-91-1
VP: 760
MW: 104
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure):
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: E
Data Source: No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 5518
State: G
CAS Number: 75-50-3
VP: 760
MW: 59.11
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 7000
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: A
Data Source:
GDN#: 14066
State: G
CAS Number: 10028-17-8
MW: 6.032
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 12585
State: G
CAS Number: 7783-82-6
VP: 760
MW: 297.9
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 217
TGO Class (Pure): II
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage): 7.23
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage): 4.34
Storage Group: F
Data Source: UNIDOCS UN-015
GDN#: 14071
State: G
CAS Number: 689-97-4
MW: 52.05
Tox Type: LC50, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 64729.7
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: X
Data Source:
GDN#: 2463
State: G
CAS Number: 593-60-2
VP: 760
MW: 107
Tox Type: LCLO, RAT
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted): 1322876
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 2940
State: G
CAS Number: 75-01-4
VP: 760
MW: 62.5
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 2941
State: G
CAS Number: 75-02-5
VP: 760
MW: 46.05
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: L
Data Source:
GDN#: 4646
State: G
CAS Number: 7440-63-3
VP: 760
MW: 131.3
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.
GDN#: 4648
State: G
CAS Number: 7440-63-3
VP: 760
MW: 131.3
Tox Type:
LC50 (units in ppm unless otherwise noted):
TGO Class (Pure): NR
Diluted to Class 2 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Class 3 (concentration in percentage):
Diluted to Not Regulated (concentration in percentage):
Storage Group: G
Data Source: Asphyxiant. No LC or IDLH data available.