The State of California provides the following certificates and permits.
Examples of Required Licentiate Certificates:
- Radiology Supervisor and Operator (Radiologists only)
- Radiologic Technology (Diagnostic, Therapeutic Technology)
- Mammographic Radiologic Technology
- Nuclear Medicine Technology
Examples of Required Licentiate Permits:
- Fluoroscopy Supervisor and Operator (Note: Non-radiologist using fluoroscopes are required to have a Fluoroscopy Supervisor and Operator Permit)
- Radiography Supervisor and Operator (Note: Only board-certified radiologists can have a Radiology Supervisor and Operator permit)
- Dermatology Supervisor and Operator
- X-ray Bone Densitometry Supervisor and Operator
A Fluoroscopy Supervisor and Operator permit allows the individual to do any of the following:
- Actuate or energize fluoroscopy equipment.
- Directly control radiation exposure to the patient during fluoroscopy procedures.
- Supervise one or more persons who hold a Radiologic Technologist Fluoroscopy Permit.
Note: Only persons authorized by the individual in charge of the installation shall operate fluoroscopic equipment. All physicians using or supervising use of fluoroscopic equipment are required to be certified by the state of California. Additionally, the Clinical Radiation Safety Committee requires that Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System comply with the State of California certificate requirements or its equivalent.
A Radiography Supervisor and Operator permit allows the individual to do any of the following:
- Actuate or energize radiography x-ray equipment.
- Supervise one or more persons who hold a Radiologic Technologist Certificate.
- Supervise one or more persons who hold a limited permit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does a resident or fellow need a fluoroscopy permit?
No. A resident or fellow working under the supervision of a Certified Fluoroscopy Supervisor physician does not need to be certified.
When is a fluoroscopy certificate NOT required by the State of California?
A physician is not required to obtain a certificate or permit from the State if that physician:
- Requests an x-ray examination through a certified supervisor and operator.
- Performs radiology only in the course of employment by an agency of the Federal Government and only at a Federal facility (Note: As a best management practice the Clinical Radiation Safety Committee requires that Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System comply with the State of California certificate requirements or its equivalent).
- Faculty members of an approved medical school who are granted a certificate of registration by the Medical Board of California (code BPC 2113) are exempt from the requirement to obtain a Fluoroscopy Supervisor and Operator permit.